Beach Teach, Where Have You Been and What are You Doing?

What a great question! Since the last time I blogged, I have moved from my apartment to a townhouse in the city (still close enough to the beach), taken on two new subjects, and started a Beach Teach Instagram!

I am still at my same school and I'm still teaching 5th grade. However, this year I took a leap and am teaching Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. While I'm not fully self-contained, I mostly keep the same kids all day, every day. I LOVE IT!!!

I love being with the same kids all day long. I pride myself on the relationships that I have with my students and this year they seem even stronger! With more time together early in the year, gaining their trust and learning each of their interests and quirks was a faster and easier process. It's been rainbows and butterflies in room 508!

Don't get me wrong, it was definitely overwhelming at first. I've had to refresh my memory on Math and Social Studies and have had to do a lot of reflecting early on this year. Now, in January, I feel like I'm in a good place. My class is in the groove, I'm in the lesson planning groove, my students' parents know what to expect, we're flowing! Therefore, it's time for me to start blogging again!!! I'm back at it with plenty of fresh ideas coming to you in 2018.

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Be sure to click follow over there to see posts about collecting data, how I'm structuring my math groups, why I got rid of stations and what I'm doing instead, how I organize our Science notebooks, and much, much more!

Click here to see my Instagram, or find me @beachteach5. Be sure to say hi!

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